Celebrating my 6th Year Studio Anniversary

This summer I celebrated the six-year anniversary of opening my art studio. I’ve been making my art my whole life (even when I was deep in my career as an a corporate lawyer).

My first “studio” was my desk in my various apartments. Then I graduated to my kitchen table and basement. During the pandemic I made a lot of art from various rooms in my house including even my bed…just like Matisse! But the pride I feel for my space and the joy it brings me is immeasurable.

I do not say this lightly and at the sake of sounding trite…I never could have possibly imagined where I am now 6 six years ago. Never. I always say “dare to dream” and I definitely do but let this serve as a reminder, and maybe a little motivation, to take whatever your biggest and wildest dream is and to multiply it by 10.

I worked so hard to get to this moment most of the time not knowing what the result would be and most of the time thinking I wasn’t doing enough. It’s hard being a creative entrepreneur, having a business, needing to wear so many hats all the time, feeling like you don’t know what you’re doing, feeling like you’re behind, having so many voices and opinions around you, feeling the judgment of others or worse, yourself. But for me personally, the key has been to push past all of that. Recognize that you know yourself best. That everything else is just noise and that sometimes you just have to put your head down, do the work and figure it out mistakes and all.