JCC on the Hudson x Monica Shulman Art

It’s been more than a year since I last shared news here and what better way to come back than to tell you that this Sunday, March 5th, I will be at the Shames JCC on the Hudson in Tarrytown, New York, celebrating my work. A selection of paintings from my collection - The Storm We Weathered - is currently installed in this beautiful space and I’d love to meet you there! You can learn more here. More details are below!

This collection was created between 2020 and 2022 and it tells the story of what we experienced during the pandemic from my point of view. The works explore themes of self-reflection, the human condition, community and identity.

As the world began to slowly open up again, I took to my canvases and these paintings explore a yearning to connect with each other after living in an extended period of isolation since the start of 2020. The paintings are accessible and visually calming, yet slightly out of reach. I reflected on the world we observed on screens and used my impasto style, three-dimensional work to counter and reflect our then two-dimensional reality. The fogginess and uncertainty of the times is presented with varying degrees of drips and layers but coupled with my choice of bright, vibrant colors, the paintings evoke feelings of optimism and joy for the future.

While some pieces have already sold and are living with collectors, it’s been my dream to see the remaining works hung together in one space outside the four walls of my studio. To me it feels like the paintings are communicating independently and together at the same time. I hope you find a piece of your own narrative in this work.

I’d love to meet you and share this collection with you in person! Please join us! Details below!

Thank you to the JCC for this wonderful opportunity!

Monica Shulman Art Reception

Sunday, March 5th

2pm - 4pm

Shames JCC on the Hudson

371 South Broadway

Tarrytown, New York